Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I've been eyeing these for a while now but just couldn't bring myself to shell out 100 bucks for the whole set. Then last week while digging through a box of craft stuff I discovered some old Fimo-clay and wondered if there was a way of making something like that myself. After shaping I baked the flowers for about 20min and then painted them with some acrylic paint. The vases I got for super cheap (about $2 each) but they were just clear glass, so they needed a coat of paint as well. I opted for good old spray paint, which worked pretty well. Finally I used a bit of hot glue to attach the finished flowers and voila: Flower vases - done.


  1. are seriously amazing! These are gorgeous! I wish we lived close to each other so you could be my art teacher. :)

  2. Wow! These look awesome. What an artist you are!

    Hope you guys are well. :)

  3. You never cease to amaze me. I LOVE these, beautiful!!!
