Sunday, February 6, 2011

Carrot Cravings

Yesterday I had some insane cravings for anything carrot-y, so I decided to whip up some of these babies. Can you guess what makes them so super smooth and moist? Carrots, yes, but not the normal shredded ones. Nope. It's carrot baby food! Genius, I know. I can't take any credit for that, though. It's one of my sister in law's fabulous recipes. (Thank you, Claudia).
I did, however, come up with that decorating idea all by myself. Little carrots made out of..... TOOTSIE ROLLS!
I hope for you that you own a metric kitchen scale, because otherwise you're going to miss out on a real treat.

Claudia's Carrot Cake

230g flour
2 tsp baking powder
4 eggs
200g sugar
200ml canola oil
1 tbsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp (organic)lemon peel
1 tsp salt
190g carrot baby food

200g cream cheese
90g powdered sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract

Fruity Tootsie Rolls in orange and green

Beat together wet ingredients, then add the dry ones. Mix just until combined. Fill into cake pan or muffin cups. Bake at 350 F. for about 30 min. Mix together frosting ingredients and pipe on cooled cake/cupcakes. Shape tootsie rolls into carrots and stems and place them onto frosting.


  1. i think you guys should invite me over so that i can help consume these.
